Hiking In South Carolina

You might need to enable XML-RPC! If you are hosted on Digital Ocean and used their 1-Click Install then XML-RPC will be blocked by default. Here is how to disable the XML-RPC Block on Digital Ocean’s WordPress 1-Click Install. XML-RPC is a feature of WordPress that is used to connect to the WordPress apps to […]
One thing to note if you aren’t going to use a plugin to manage domain mapping to individual websites as part of a WordPress Multisite network is that there might be some hang ups. I use certbot primarily to manage SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt but unfortunately certbot doesn’t seem to play nice with WordPress Multisite’s […]
It was only once I went back to rewatch the original three Star Wars movies, after starting the Mandalorian, that I read an article online about someone complaining about the added CGI, and how they struggled to find the original three movies untampered with from their original versions on the silver screen. I realized I […]
A wonderful insight into the true value of fictive works, looking into the meaning and choices an author makes when writing, the Great Story that all works both derive from and add to, and the symbolism that gives works a deeper meaning. If you were someone who thought fiction was a waste of your time, […]
Escape the Pyramid of DOOM! “In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.” — Wikipedia These data structures and design patterns let you escape the infamous anti-patterns with simple and generally useful solutions. Enter SwiftyAnimate (The Plug ). A better way to […]
I recently came across an issue in the interoperability of two Objective-C API’s that I was using from a Swift app. One was known to be rewritten in Swift soon but was very trusted and widely used (JSQMessagesViewController) while the other a much smaller but also well tested framework that had not been updated in […]
You see mesh-networking implemented in many of the top apps these days, for example Snapchat uses mesh-networking to help you to find and add people nearby. But why is this not a standard practice? And why not for more types of data? To me it seems like it will be soon, but for now it […]
PeerConnectivity is a framework that I wrote for simplifying the code needed to write Bluetooth/Wifi networking across iOS devices. It it currently published on Cocopods and is also available for download via Carthage. If you have ever used Apple’s MultipeerConnectivity framework you know you are in for a world of hurt. There are so many […]